

AsianLinux Internet gateway solution for the Local Area Network has one pipe (Voice/ISDN/Leased) shared on the LAN using a low-end PC. Other features like sophisticated access control and access speed enhancement help squeeze the maximum performance from the set up.


Internet Browsing Access for the Local Network:
The client IP addresses are NAT'ed (Network Address Translation) for the traffic to go out through the gateway. The resources are utilized to the maximum, and each client will have the feeling of having an individual connection

Dial on Demand:

Internet connectivity is established automatically when data packets try to go out to a different domain. The connection will cease if no traffic goes out for a specified period. These features will enhance the ergonomic appeal of the system to the users and ensures economical usage of available bandwidth.

Time Based Access to Users:
The System Administrator can assign each user with a specific time-slot for Internet access. The user cannot have access outside the specific time-slot if the Systems Administrator decides so. Misuse of connectivity is minimized, and unnecessary reduction of bandwidth due to excess usage in peak hours is avoided.

DNS (Caching/Internal):
The line utilization is enhanced using internal caching in the DNS server.

Transparent Proxy (Squid):
Squid is a full-featured web based proxy cache. This feature-rich application enables the user to proxy and cache HTTP, FTP and other URLs. Being developed on the free platform, it has the advantage of economy and robustness.
Node/IP based Access Control: :
Internet access can be restricted based on the IP address/node. Certain clients connected to the server may not be provided with Internet connectivity, while still being connected to the LAN.
Access with Username/Password Authentication:
The user has to enter his name & password, and is only then allowed to access the Internet. This basic security feature prevents unauthorized usage of the facilities.

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